Aromatic Botany

botany cpd courseEssential oils are obviously central to the work of an Aromatherapist, but how many of us actually understand and appreciate the amazingly intelligent aromatic plants these oils come from?  Why do some plants even produce oils?  How can those tongue-twisting Latin names possibly be useful?  And how are plants classified into different families?  All these questions and more will be the focus of this one-day CPD course.  You will also get the opportunity to view some fascinating pictures of the microscopic structures within plants where essential oils are actually stored.

You will learn about the factors that influence plants when producing oil, eg their geographical location, soil and weather conditions, the creation of different chemotypes and how these can be useful to the Aromatherapist. 

This promises to be a wonderful day that has the potential to rekindle your passion for all things 'oily'!

Course Content:

Definition of Botany
Plant Morphology - Roots, Shoots, Stems, Leaves, Flowers
Pollination and Reproduction - Fruits, Seeds
Anatomy and Physiology of Plants - plants vs animal cells; vascular/non-vascular plants
Plant Metabolism - Photosynthesis; Plant Respiration; Primary/Secondary Plant Metabolites (ie, essential oils and vegetable oils)
Role of Fixed/Vegetable Oils in Plants
Role of Essential Oils in Plants
Types of Secretory/Storage Organs - Secretory Cells, Cavities, Ducts/Glands, Glandular Trychomes, Epidermal Cells
Factors Influencing Production of Fixed/Essential Oils - Geographical Location, Chemotypes, Soil, Weather Conditions, Insects/ParasitesMethods of Cultivation - Wild Harvested, Wild Crafted, Organic Farming, Traditional Farming, Industrial Farming
Plant Harvest and its Effects on Quality
Conservation Status of Plant Species - IUCN Redlist, Relevant Essential Oil Plants
Taxonomy and Nomenclature
Historical Development of Botanical Classification Systems
Importance of Linnaean Binomial/Binary System
Plant Kingdom and Hierarchic Divisions - Angiosperms/Gymnosperms; Monocotyledons/Dicotyledons; Familes/Genera/Species

Venues and Dates:

Course dates can be arranged at your convenience, please contact Marie:  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Times: 10.00am to (approx) 4.00pm

Cost and Booking:

The cost of the In-House course is £120.00 (inc VAT) and you can book by using the 'buy now' button below.

Please note: Bookings are refunded if the course is cancelled by Rosewood College. However, if you decide to cancel your booking, payment is non-refundable, but will be held in credit against other courses/dates that you may wish to attend.

The cost of the Distance Learning course is £80.00 (inc VAT) and you can book by using the 'buy now' button below. For further details of the Distance Learning courses, please click here.

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