refresher course

The Refresher Course is tailor-made for the individual who is already qualified in Aromatherapy Massage but who has not had the opportunity to practice for a while, would like to re-enter the profession and needs the latest up-to-date information.

Aromatherapy is a dynamic subject that is constantly evolving as new information is discovered.  It is important to stay as up-to-date as possible with the latest thinking, as well as refresh previous studies.  An Aromatherapy Refresher Course is the perfect way to update your knowledge on an individual basis without the formality of a classroom environment.

Refresher courses are based at Nottingham and run on a one-to-one basis for as many half, or full day sessions as the student requires.


£150.00 for up to 8 hours (1 day) guaranteed one to one tuition, including a comprehensive, bespoke handout and/or any practical tuition
£100.00 for up to 4 hours (half day) guaranteed one to one tuition, including comprehensive, bespoke handout and/or any practical tuition

For further details and/or if you wish to book, please contact us direct: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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